Celebrating Consecrated Life
“Wherever there are religious, there is joy” Pope Francis
In the Church of Our Lady of Carmel, Belém, Brazil, the members of the Community Seeds of the Word gathered to celebrate Consecrated Life in the Charism. The Holy Mass was presided by Dom Alberto Taveira Corrêa, Archbishop of Belém, on December 3rd. During the Celebration, the three stages of Religious Vows were pronounced: First Vows and reception of the religious habit, Temporary Vows, and Perpetual Vows.
The First Vows are the rite in which the vow of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience is pronounced before the Community and the Church. At this moment, the new religious receive the Habit of the SoW Community, a symbol of full Consecration to Christ, and a New Name that will mark a new birth into the Christian life. The change is made after a time of prayer and discernment together with the Community. The commitment of the first vows extends for a period of one year when it must be renewed.
There was also the rite of Temporary Vows. In this stage, the consecrated person confirms the commitment made with the first "yes" and already shows the desire to be consecrated in a definitive and total way. This commitment lasts for three years. "The three vows are like the three bonds that assure a firmness, for they are the bonds of a greater love" (Book of Life SoW, 218)
The profession of Perpetual Vows was also held, a stage of the definitive decision of union with God and the Church. "With the help of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the collaboration of each one, with God's grace, the virtues will be able to contribute to the edification of the consecrated soul" (Book of Life SoW n, 219).
In his homily, Archbishop Alberto invited everyone to have a new look of hope and courage from now on. For him, the young missionaries are people who have accepted to live God's dreams and to believe that the Lord works wonders. "Those who consecrate themselves to God are the bravest people in this world, who accept to swim against the tide!" said the Archbishop.
Check out the testimonies of the Newly Consecrated:
Sr. Edith Mary - Perpetual Vows (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil):
"The grace of perpetual vows is to be able to express in words before the Church in the presence of Archbishop Alberto and the entire Community the truth that I carry in my soul: my existence only makes sense in the consecration to God in the Community Seeds of the Word. For what? "So that the world may know that I love the Father." (Jn 14. 31)
Br. Estevão - Temporary Vows (Bishop Vicente Zico Seminary - Belém, Brazil)
"The reason that leads me to give my life entirely to Jesus in the Consecrated Life was to have found in Him (and only in Him) the words of eternal life.
Sister Agnès - First vows (Tongerloo Abbey - Belgium)
"I am waiting for my Word to be fulfilled" (Jer 1:12).
Today begins a long journey of the fulfillment of the Lord's promises. The Lord has made me free to choose Him.
However, as I look back on my history with Him, saved by God, the choice to "belong only to Him" presented itself to me as the only logical choice... to give back to Him what He Himself has given me: life.
"He who first loved me, it is He who will have me" (Saint Agnes).
I give my life to announce "the Eternal", to satisfy the souls thirsty for something, or better, for "Someone" that does not pass away! I am deeply happy to be this "finger" that points and presents the Lamb, I am happy to be his wife!
Brother Lorenzo - First Vows (Studium Guido - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
"To profess vows is to declare to the whole world that the Church is alive and that Jesus continues, even in today's world, to call disciples to his harvest. That is why I am very happy to be able to give this "yes" to God's call.
For the Seeds of the Word mission in Canada was a night of great joy as we watched Alissa Going professing her first vows.
Born in Vauxhall, she met the Seeds of the Word in Calgary back in 2014 when our first missionaries had just arrived in this land. The seed was planted and through the action of God her vocation grew in the heart of the Charism, blossoming by her total consecration to the Lord. Now with a new name and a new mission, Sr. Bridget is called to spread the sweet perfume of belonging to Christ, her true spouse.
Join us in prayer for the newly consecrated: Sr. Bridget, Sr. Maria Cristina, Sr. Agnes, Sr. Matilde, Sr. Maria Júlia, Sr. Antônia, Sr. Luzia, Sr. Jacinta, Sr. Maria Catarina, Sr. Salette, Br. John Baptist, Br. John Bosco, Br. Lorenzo.
"No one takes my life from me, I lay it down of my own accord" Jn 10.18