The Sabbatical Year
A path of vocational discernment to become a true disciple of Christ.
What is it?
What do we propose?
The Sabbatical Year is a program to be made anew through the Word of God, Liturgy and Fraternal Life. It is a year of healing, conversion, formation, sanctification, vocational discernment, and mission. It is a period of time to put your whole life and time in order. It is a physiotherapy for the soul, where you learn to have the ears of a disciple to focus on God's voice and receive strength to follow His call.
For nine months, come and live with us in one of our mission houses, experiencing daily the graces of prayer, formation, and fraternal life. Allow yourself to be cared for by God, and hear directly from Him what His plan of love is for your life.

Pillars of the Sabbatical Year
Daily Eucharist, Celebrated and Adored
Liturgy of the Hours
Lectio Divina
Personal and Community Prayer
Fraternal Life
School of Nazareth
Bible study (Old and New Testament)
Anthropological Formation
Doctrine (Catechism and Documents of the Church)
Regular Spiritual Accompaniment
Vocational Discernment
Specific Formation for each stage of life
Formation on the New Evangelization and mission work
Missionary Experiences
Evangelization through Festivals
Covenant Houses
The Covenant members meet regularly in small fraternities, desiring to live out the spirituality of the Seeds of the Word Community in the heart of the world.
Spiritual Accompaniment
Accompaniment is a path of human and spiritual growth. It will help you grow humanly so that you can grow spiritually.

The Lord wants to take away your loneliness, caused by wandering on your own. What tires us is not our work, it is wandering alone, being without a shepherd. You will only discover that you need a shepherd if you are aware that your soul is suffering. In His compassion, Jesus sends out workers for this task. The Lord manifests His care through a brother or sister, a companion of flesh and blood so that you can be listened to. Spiritual Accompaniment is necessary because no one advances alone. We all need to be taught; every disciple needs a teacher and discipline. "It is not good for man to be alone" (Gen 2:18). The companion is a protector and a guardian; he or she will teach you how to channel your passions. The companion is like a friend, a brother or a sister; they give their life for you, but they are a brother or sister who has to be listened to. Through the companion, the voice of Jesus Himself, the Good Shepherd, should be recognized.