Evangelize with us


Missionaries of the Seeds of the Word Community offer their lives for the new evangelization, dedicating themselves exclusively to missions around the world. Trusting in Divine Providence, which passes through the generosity of others, our Community developed the project “Missionary Godparents for the New Evangelization”. This project is a way for others to support our missions by becoming a co-evangelizer. The donations received are managed in a common way for everyone’s needs.

Become a Missionary Godparent, call or text: (587) 703-2997

 Giving options

If you require tax receipt, please get in touch with us before making a donation.

If you want to make any other kind of donation, please contact:

By email Interact:



Email: donations.ca@seedsoftheword.org
For more information call or text: (587) 703-2997



To mail your donation, please make your checks out to:


Seeds of the Word
3011 29 St SW, Calgary, AB T3E 2K9

If you want to make any other kind of donation, please contact: 403 616 8579

Thank you for your generosity!