“Europe has been widely and profoundly permeated by Christianity.”
Pope John Paul II in Ecclesia in Europa, 24
Rome, Italy
St. Peter and St. Paul House
The mission of the Seeds of the Word Community in Rome began in 2021, with the reopening of the house of “l'Istituto delle Suore Minime della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo” founded in Cosenza, whose founder was Blessed Elena Aiello, who lived and had mystical experiences of deep union with the Passion of Christ in her last years of life in this house. We hold votive masses in memory of Blessed Elena Aiello every month, promote charity events, visits to the elderly and missions in some parishes in Rome. The house is thirty minutes from the Vatican.
Contact: +39 331 347 6186
Email: roma@sementesdoverbo.org
Address: Via dei Baldassini, 18 - RM
Tuscany, Italy
Madonna del Rifugio Retreat House
On October 18, the feast of St. Luke, a new mission house began in the province of Siena, Italy, in the diocese of Montepulciano-Chiusi-Pienza, with the reopening of the Madonna del Rifugio Retreat House, located in the former San Bernardino Convent. The retreat house, now under the care of the Seeds of the Word Community, had been closed for a decade, but thanks to the generous donation of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King, who handed over the retreat house fully furnished, it was possible to reopen it to serve as a space for evangelization.
In a simple and spiritual style, we offer the opportunity for everyone to get to know and enjoy the beauty and hospitality of the house. The community's missionaries are responsible for all the daily work at the Retreat House. Working full-time for God's work, according to our charism, is a particular reality. Thus, maintenance, cleaning and meal preparation, as well as preaching and spiritual accompaniment, are carried out by missionaries for the New Evangelization.
Contact: +39 329 487 8644 / +39 320 301 8744
Email: casamadonnadelrifugio@semidelverbo.it
Address: Via Poggio Baldino, 184, 53048 | Sinalunga SI
Vila Viçosa, Portugal
Old St. Joseph Seminary
In 2023, we were entrusted with the care of this centuries-old Augustinian convent, founded in 1267, which houses the Seminary of Saint Joseph (Archdiocesan Pastoral Center).
The Seeds of the Word community has begun to pray and work for the good functioning of the seminary. So that everyone who passes through may have a profound encounter with God and with themselves!
Contact: +351 968 577 888
Email: seminario.saojose@sementesdoverbo.org
Address: Terreiro do Paço 9, 7160-251 Vila Viçosa
Tongeren, Belgium
Mary, Cause of Our Joy House
The mission in Belgium began in 2011 in Hasselt. The first four missionaries from the Seeds of the Word Community were welcomed by the Ursuline Congregation. Those first few months helped with inculturation and learning the local language. Five months later, the community moved into its own apartment in a wing of the Franciscan convent. There, the first receptions and charity events were held. As the mission grew, it was necessary to look for a larger space and in 2015 the missionaries moved to a convent of Poor Clares in Tongeren. This mission house was named "Mary, Cause of Our Joy".
In this house, retreats on the Charism of the Community are held, as well as hosting catechism groups, parishes, charismatic renewal groups, among others.
Contact: +32 12 39 33 25 / +32 4 88 90 62 59
E-mail: zaden.belgie@gmail.com
Address: Clarastraat 1 - 3700, Tongeren - België